Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Homeschooling is off to a roaring start. We had a Picnic celebration to start off the new year. We have also gone on one field trip. On Sept 11th we went to tour a WWII ship, had a nice time. The kids all got these "clicker" things that was a souvenir. A gentleman told us that parachuters would jump at night and they would have the clickers with them, then when someone approached you you would click once and if the person approaching didn't click twice back, you would start shooting because you knew it wasn't one of your guys. We also observed the stern wheel boats.

Pictures of group that went, the real reason why I would NEVER be in the Navy 4 bunks right on top of each other (No way) and the children being told how to go Snipe hunting (yes I know snipes are hard to hunt ;P)
Fall is fast approaching, my favorite time of the year. Suzy goes tomorrow to have her speech evaluated. Sammi is learning so many new things. She learned to write her name in the first week of school though the S is still giving her fits. Beth's birthday is just under a month and the girls have already started telling me what they want for Christmas though that changes every week. Suzy is walking with the help of her walking toy, just not on her own yet. I am getting a little tired of facebook but are too nosy to stop looking at it. Haha

1 comment:

Waitingfaithfully said...


Just stopping by from Linny's blog to let you know that I am praying for you . . .

Lord, you have heard Jayme's request and you know her heart. Father, would you guide her steps, and comfort her heart--and the hearts of her daughters. Let her know that you are near Lord. In Jesus name, Amen

Blessings on your day and in the days to come~
